Battersea Arts Centre: Blog

#TeamTuesdays: Meet Tref

Full name & job title
Tref Davies, Capital Project Administrator/Peer Supporter for The Agency

Please give us an overview of your average day
Mainly, I look after all administration for our current building development works, from basic expenditure to balancing the budget. There might be some research into a particular supplier or product, to make a recommendation, or progress report-writing and payment claims for our main funders. Or I could don a hard hat, hi-vis jacket and steelies to take photos of the current works on site so I can blog about them. Our project covers large amounts of heritage activity work alongside it, so I like to be involved in archive and digital exhibitions too. I run building tours, do some design work, and keep parts of our website updated. And on weekends I work alongside young people creating their visions for social enterprise in their communities as part of The Agency, helping them develop business skills. Most nights I’ll watch some fantastic theatre or DJ in the Scratch Bar as Blanche Mianus.

What is the most common misconception about your job?
That it’s purely clerical, I imagine. Although I do have a background in Finance, what’s needed is good organisation and an eye for detail. Importantly at BAC, everyone has the chance to be creative as well, so it’s all the facets of my role that make it really enjoyable.

What is the best thing about your role?
Working with everyone across the organisation in a wide range of projects, and flexing my right and left brain muscles together.

What is the hardest thing about your role?
There are the occasional moments when a particular report or spreadsheet seems to consume all your time and you can’t see the way through, but it’s important to find the balance in those moments, and maybe an All Day Breakfast at Café Parisienne… And then crack on again.

What would be your advice to someone trying to enter into your industry/career?
It’s an excellent way to join an arts organisation from a more traditional or commercial background. For me, it’s always been about doing something I’m good at for a place I really love. I spent 20 years working across energy, service and finance sectors in admin, project management and business analysis, and all of that experience comes with me, but it’s a great role for someone with a balance of creative and logical approaches who can demonstrate the ability to get things done.

What do you like most about working at Battersea Arts Centre?
There are 3 things I love most – the people, the artistic work made here, and the building. Not that that really leaves much else. It’s a creative and generous place where I can learn an enormous amount about so much that I would never experience otherwise.

Lastly, if you could have three famous people/people from history join the Battersea Arts Centre team, who would they be and why?
Joan Rivers because she was the funniest woman ever and so genuine, the legendary Alice Cooper for his showmanship, generosity and authenticity, and Russell Tovey for being a stunningly good actor, all-round nice bloke, and extremely handsome.