Battersea Arts Centre: Blog

The Agency: How things sit in the territory

Following a high­power wednesday session, looking into research methods and developing brands and mood-boards, this saturday session was all about the Agents going out into the territory and conducting market research. They were tasked with collecting first hand evidence that looked at customer spending trends, habits and needs in Battersea.

To prep the Agents for this most important and quite exciting stage the Agents were ‘hot­seated’ 1 ­by ­1, asking each other, and us, a string of questions to see how people would respond, in a rush, and see if the questions got to the bottom of what they wanted to know, or merely encouraged answers that affirmed their project without really offering any help e.g. ‘Do you think a positive platform for young people is a good thing?’.

After a while they started to develop questions that allowed them to find out from people what platforms, events, apps, shops, they already knew and used and why they preferred them, what else they might want. After the questions were refined they were refined further, shot up to BAC on a USB with Roisin and printed out, collected by the agents and off they went, into the territory to learn what people in the community thought.