Battersea Arts Centre: Blog

Why is Battersea Arts Centre doing a season about Cash, Capitalism and Corporations?

I wrote this for Run Riot, on why we have programmed a season of work under the banner of Cash, Capitalism and Corporations…

Every day I consume a diet of news and current affairs. Early and late each day, usually from the radio. Last week I jotted down the themes that kept coming up.

Brexit and the EU featured regularly. As did the leadership struggles of political parties. There were reports about division, including stats to illustrate how unequal we are in 2017. There were features on the rise of populism, nationalism and the changing relationships between nation states. There was news about trade deals and how much things cost. While reports on sectarian conflicts were broken up by tales of sporting prowess and cultural prizes or premieres…

> Read the full article on Run Riot