Battersea Arts Centre: Blog

Six Things You Don’t Know About ONE

Nasi Voutsas – frequently seen on stage alongside Bertrand Lesca –  spills the beans (in a typically tongue-in-cheek style) on the hit show, the third part in a trilogy begun by Eurohouse and Palmyra.

What was the best thing about making the show?
It felt good to be focusing on solutions. Although in the show we fall into confilict, into hating each other, both of us are always trying to work it out. In the context of our current politics, that felt like a good thing to be trying to make a show about.

Who/what would you say are your biggest influences?
Forced Entertainment, Gobsquad, Wood and Harrison, Buster Keaton.
Marina Abramovich and Ulay.
Brigitte Aphrodite.
King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizzard.
Cy Twombly.
William Shakespeare.

If you ruled the world for one day, what single thing would you change?
The complete works of Bertrand Lesca and Nasi Voutsas would be on the school curriculum.

What can we expect to see you from you in the future?
We will be touring around with ONE and another show we have made called The End. But apart from that we are going to get really big, become really rich and really famous.

What can audiences expect from the show?
They might laugh. They might feel a little uncomfortable. They might feel hopeful. They’ll definitely see Bert’s arse, sing along to John Lennon and watch as we fly into the air unassisted by wires.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
If you are about to get on a really busy train on the Underground and there is a train arriving one minute later, get that one instead because it will be noticeably less busy.

Honestly this changed my life.


This piece originally appeared in What’s On Stage