Hi guys. How you doing?
Just writing to inform you that I had what we like to call in the industry a “scratch session”. This session was basically a mock session of the programme that I am developing and looking forward to running in my community.
This session was very insightful and gave me the heads up on some bumps in the road that I may not have noticed before. I was able to experience first-hand that youth are not reliable when it comes to time, however when you finally get a group of youths together, it can be an amazing thing.
I was able to get them out of their comfort zones through an active session. I split people that came together into different groups which enabled the young girls to engage with others that they did not know.
I got some feedback from the participants which will help with the development of the programme. The activities were really enjoyed, as well as being able to meet other young females in a safe personal environment tailored to females.
At one point there was a boy who walked into the session. Well he tried to and got met with a few participants shouting ‘this is a female-only session’. This made me smile even though they may have been a bit abrupt. They definitely took ownership of their space and felt like it was theirs, which is the type of impact that I would like #WhatWeWant to have on its participants.
Teasha Louis-D (Agent & Creative Director #WhatWeWant)
(26th March 2016)